UNIVERSAL ELITE 82-Inch x 19-Inch Hitch-Mounted Actuator Driven Snowplow

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  • 82 inches wide and 19 inches high for optimal snow clearing coverage
  • Fits most light trucks and SUV’s
  • Includes 1-Year Limited Warranty

As seen at

Model Number(s): AVAL8219ELT, AVAL8422ELT, AVAL8826ELT


The DK2 Universal T-Frame Mounted ELITE Snowplows allow you to quickly and effectively remove snow from your driveway or small parking lot. These plows simply slide into a 2” front mount receiver for easy removal and storage.

Each snowplow ships in a single carton complete with hardened steel cutting edge scraper, rubber snow deflector, polymer-wrapped wire rope plow markers, skid shoes, castor kit for easy storage, and a wireless electric actuator for extra strength and reliability when lifting and lowering your plow. Each plow kit will also include a set of blade stiffeners for added strength by creating a 3-point connection.

UPC 826518005661
Brand DK2
Certification(s) ISO 9001
Material Steel
Material Finish UV Powder Coated
Color Black
Coupler 2 in (5.08 cm)
Cross-Border Shipping No
Plow Mount Type Front hitch-mounted
Plow Angling Mechanism Manual
Plow Blade Size (LxH) 82 in x 19 in (208.3 cm x 48.3 cm)
Plow Lift Mechanism Electric Actuator
Assembled Dimensions (LxWxH) 82 in x 42 in x 19 in (208.3 cm x 106.7 cm x 48.3 cm)
Assembled Weight 265 lb (120.2 kg)
Shipping Dimensions (LxWxH) 43 in x 32 in x 18 in (109.2 cm x 81.3 cm x 45.7 cm)
Disclaimer Product appearance and specifications are subject to change
Warranty 1-year limited


Customer Questions
My scraper blade pieces don&lsquotet line up?
Will the plow damage my truck?
Can I drive on the streets with the Snow Plow attached to my vehicle?
How high should I set my skid shoes?
My wireless remote isn't working
How do I convert my Hitch Mounted Snow Plow to a Custom Mounted Plow?
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